Atten Clo

Established in 2024, Atten Clo approached us here at JD Graphics to help kickstart their way into the outdoor fashion industry. Like any fashion brand; having a distinctive logo is a great starting point. From here, we began a journey that would ultimately epitomise collaborative creativity (See, we’re not just insane at graphic design, we’re also the best with our words!) Crafting their logo and various marketing materials was not looked at as a task. Instead, we saw it as a way of bringing their vision to life. Atten Clo’s clear articulation of their brand identity allowed us to embrace our expertise to complement their distinctive style.

As we watched our designs effortlessly blend into Atten Clo's online world, it was clear that our teamwork had gone beyond the usual client-business setup. It felt more like we were all in it together, sharing mutual respect and working towards the same goals.

To check out our designs and marketing images, take a look below. If you or your business require our assistance in kick-starting you into a particular industry, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. A member of our team is excited to get you started!


Citadel Theatre